COURSE: Spanish Fine Arts and History
During the months of October and November 2013 I took a course of Spanish fine arts with Karla Darocas in Jávea. We met on a Monday morning in Hemeroscopea in a very pleasant room with excellent infrastructure (much light, good air conditioning/ heating system, IT facilities plus, oh bliss, a coffee machine in the hall and some home made – guilt free-cakes from the teacher).
Karla gave an overview of the five Spanish masters we were going to learn about in detail afterwards, so that the course consisted of six encounters in total.
The way Karla presents and teaches is attractive and catches one’s interest and concentration. These mornings were a real joy and left an impression of wanting to hear and know more and more!
To complement the theory and insights into the lives and works of these giants, El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Picasso and Dalí, we went on a fun field trip to Toledo and Madrid. The dynamics of these towns are quite an experience when one is used to the tranquil Costa Blanca area, but the very informative extra’s from Karla contributed to an adventurous experience never to forget and recommended to the fullest!
Trudi van Dorp